Articles by "video"
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SMPlayer is an open source and free multimedia player available for Linux and MS Windows, released under GNU General Public License. Unlike other players it doesn't require you to install codecs to play something because it carries its own all required codecs with itself. This is the first release which now support MPV and some other features such as MPRIS v2 Support, new theme, 3D stereo filter and more. It uses the award-winning MPlayer as playback engine which is capable of playing almost all known video and audio formats (avi, mkv, wmv, mp4, mpeg... see list).
MPV video player is forked from mplayer2 and MPlayer, MPV supports wide variety of audio and video file formats. It offers some of the features with the former project while introducing many more. It is an command-line video player as well as offers GUI, it is lightweight and cross-platform available for Linux, Mac and Windows. From command line MPlayer's options parser was improved to behave more like other CLI programs, and many option names and semantics were reworked to make them more intuitive and memorable.
High quality video output: MPV has a OpenGL based video output that is capable of many features loved by videophiles, such as video scaling with popular high quality algorithms, color management, frame timing, interpolation, and more. While mpv has no official GUI, it has a small controller that is triggered by mouse movement. mpv leverages the FFmpeg hwaccel APIs to support VDPAU, VAAPI, DXVA2, VDA and VideoToolbox video decode acceleration. In addition, it features better pause handling, VDPAU improvements, support for modifier keys, correct color reproduction, better handling of audio and video synchronization, high quality subtitles, as well as support for playing multiple files at the same time. Another interesting feature of mpv is the ability to play video files a higher quality than many other open source multimedia player applications, simply because it relies on the FFmpeg’s hwaccel APIs (supporting VAAPI, VDA and VDPAU video decode acceleration).

Curlew is a multimedia converter program and perform its functionality using ffmpeg. It is been around from a while and it's free, open source and easy to use, it supports many formats  and it is written in GTK3 and Python programming language.
Most recently project came back to life to again in order to support latest Ubuntu and its derivatives, it can be installed on other distributions using source. The development was stopped because ffmpeg and libav were removed from Ubuntu repositories back in time then we didn't get any update from developer but now everything settled down, we have ffmpeg available in default Ubuntu repositories and developer recently pushed the new version of this application, it works with all current Ubuntu versions and its derivatives such as Linux Mint. The GUI is redesigned and introduced new features as well  and better than the previous versions.

Main Features:
  • Easy to use with simple user interface.
  • Hide the advanced options with the ability to show them.
  • Convert to more than 100 different formats.
  • Show file informations (duration, remaining time, estimated size, progress value).
  • Allow to skip or remove file during conversion process.
  • Preview file before conversion.
  • Convert a specified portion of file.
  • Combine subtitle with video file.
  • Show error details if exist.
  • And more ...
VidCutter is a free video trimming application, it is written in Python3 and PyQt5 Gui framework and it's cross-platform available for Linux and Windows, based on Qt5 and uses FFmpeg on the backend to perform quick and easy video trimming/splitting/clipping and merging/joining. VidCutter is a small program does exactly what is says, with no frills or extras. It supports most of the common video formats such as: AVI, MP4, MPEG 1/2, WMV, MP3, MOV, 3GP, FLV and so on, it exports in the same format as source file. Simply open a video file, wait for it to load and then choose the part of the video you want using the start and stop markers. The only downside currently there is no export settings available and other formats.


Overall, VidCutter Joiner is a relatively lightweight application that has some good options to choose from. It is rapid at standard conversions and the user interface is uncluttered and standard. If you want a basic video editing application, then VidCutter Joiner is a good choice.

Available for Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety/17.04 Zesty/16.04 Xenial/14.04 Trusty/Linux Mint 18/17/and other Ubuntu derivatives
To install VidCutter Application in Ubuntu/Linux Mint via PPA open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

What do you have to say about tiny application?
ExMplayer stands for 'Extended MPlayer', its names describes itself based on MPlayer. ExMplayer main feature video thumbnail seeking, it is front-end GUI with media cutter and flow view. This player has built-in 203 audio codecs and 421 video codecs, which means no need to install codecs additionally and plays most of the formats, these features made it handy and perfect player for desktop. It also support network streaming and other audio, video formats like: dvd (.vob), vcd (.mpg, .dat) and so on... There is also support for subtitles and ass library used to decode subtitles.
VLC media player (initially VideoLAN Client) is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG, DivX/Xvid, Ogg, and many more) as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. However in recent years it has also become a extremely powerful server to stream live and on demand video in several formats to our network and the Internet.
VideoLAN and the VLC development team released the new major version of VLC, 2.2.2. With a new audio core, hardware decoding and encoding, port to mobile platforms, preparation for Ultra-HD video and a special care to support more formats, 2.2.2 is a major upgrade for VLC. Rincewind has a new rendering pipeline for audio, with better effiency, volume and device management, to improve VLC audio support. It supports many new devices inputs, formats, metadata and improves most of the current ones, preparing for the next-gen codecs.
Lightworks is a professional video editor which is the fastest, most accessible and focused on Non-Linear Editing (NLE) software, the initial release of Lightworks was in 1989; 26 years ago. It support all resolutions available to public up to 4K as well as video in SD and HD formats. Lightworks has the widest support available for formats currently available in a professional NLE. MXF, Quicktime and AVI containers, with every professional format you can think of: ProRes, Avid DNxHD, AVC-Intra, DVCPRO HD, RED R3D, DPX, H.264, XDCAM EX / HD 422.
Many oscar won films were also edited on Lightworks Pro version, so basically there are two versions available: A free version which can only export video to MPEG-4 (720p resolution) which can be publish to YouTube, Web, Vimeo, or watch it on your device. On the other side Pro version unlock all features and export options for all broadcast formats including AVID DNxHD, Panasonic and Sony formats, AVCHD, MOV, MXF, AVI. Interchange with other Applications (Media Composer, Protools, FCP, Resolve) with AAF, EDL or XML. You can even export to a distribution format MPEG-4 (Web, YouTube and Vimeo) at a maximum resolution of 4k or to DVD and Blu-ray. You can checkout complete comparison side by side between free and pro version.

Some of the notable features of Lightworks:

Incredible timeline: it's more powerful than any other timeline out there. With the most comprehensive drag and drop support, and all the standard insert, replace and fit-to-fill edit commands, a Lightworks timeline probably gives you the most advanced feature set available. Change clip speed, control clip and track volume levels, add effects and transitions in realtime – all in an uncluttered and flexible timeline that out-performs anything else out there. And it's free.
Trimming: Most NLEs make you perform unnecessary editing functions to delete, lift, cut or move media when all you really want to do is trim it. Lightworks sets the standards for trimming, with an AutoSync feature that has never been matched.
Multicam Sync Groups: Not everyone shoots with multiple cameras. But when you do, you need the best tools to edit. Syncing-up shots and switching angles in realtime all help create a great multicam edit. Edit unlimited sources and any mixture of resolutions or formats in our unique Sync Group for the most flexible multicam editing feature available in a professional NLE.
Stereoscopic Support: Lightworks has a completely unique way to edit stereoscopic media – exactly the same way you edit the rest of your media. It automatically keep track of your left and right eye media during import, editing and export; all you have to do is decide how you want to view it.
Powerful, realtime effects: Lightworks has a realtime GPU pipeline architecture, designed from the ground up to deal with compositing and effects, such as primary and secondary colour correction, blurs, mattes and masks – completely independent of the source media.
AutoSave: Lightworks saves every keystroke, every edit, every change you make in your project. Not only does Lightworks save your project continuously, but it also saves incremental backups of each Edit. You can decide how often and how many versions are kept. Peace of mind that you can return to any point and not lose any of your hard work.
Media Management: Lightworks offers a powerful solution for managing your media, and doesn’t leave you at the mercy of a consumer operating system’s file system. Knowing where your media is and what you have available can make the difference between a great final product and an average edit. Log media, Storyboard, make automatic edits, and advance search for content. Powerful tools for any editor or assistant who collaborates with other departments such as audio of VFX.
And Much more.