Like many other geeks, I love to buy stickers for my laptop and geeky wearable clothing for myself. Whenever I buy a new laptop whether it comes with Windows or not, in both cases I have to place a Linux OS sticker on my laptop, to fulfill my geeky needs. I usually order from different online sites because such stickers or wearable stuff is nearly impossible to find anywhere near.
I love when I see online store pops up and especially love when a store happens to sell products that I am interested in. A store ( that has been around for a while for the digital age to flock to in the interest of apparel, stickers and other creative collectibles. In past I did order some stickers from them to show my support to Linux and was very excited, again I ordered some stuff from them, this time I also choose some other stuff too beside Linux stickers, I will keep them aside for a bit.