Antoni Norman has announced the release of Pinguy OS 14.04, an Ubuntu-based desktop Linux distribution with a customized GNOME Shell desktop. This arrives after several "false" releases; yet the release announcement largely concentrates on further bugs and known issues: "The full final has been released. Known bugs: selecting auto login in the installer does not work - I had to disable it so the live session would auto login; Apturl is broken, this is an issue with Ubuntu; to make the distro work with GNOME 3.12 I had to add restore extensions to start-ups - this forces the extensions to start; if you use symbols in your password make sure you pick the correct keyboard; in Firefox some of the add-ons are disabled, just run add-on update to enable them."
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Antoni Norman has announced the final release of Pinguy OS 13.10, an Ubuntu-based distribution with a tweaked GNOME 3.10 desktop: "Pinguy OS 13.10 (based on Ubuntu 13.10) has been released with GNOME 3.10 by default, along with some new tweaks. It is the final Pinguy OS 13.10 release but it's called beta because only LTS releases are considered stable. The latest Pinguy OS 13.10 has Gnome 3.10 with Gnome Shell as the default with many shell extensions. Since GNOME 3.10 is used, it means you'll get all the goodies available in the latest stable GNOME, which aren't available in Ubuntu 13.10 by default - client side decorations for applications such as GNOME Tweak Tool, GNOME Documents and so on, the new GNOME Shell System Menu, pagination in the GNOME Shell app picker, all the System Settings improvements included in GNOME 3.10 and more." This distribution works out-of-the-box, Read announcement here.
Main key features:
Main key features:
- Nautilus replace with latest Nemo
- Kernel 3.11.x.x
- Gnome 3.10 with Gnome Shell 3.10.x (Customized)
- Various Gnome Shell Extensions, Gnome Tweak Tool 3.10
- Docky
- Bundle of Multimedia Applications
- Many other Applications preinstalled
- Preinstalled codecs, Java and some other plugins for Firefox
- Some other useful tweaks: Preload, zram-config, TLP for laptops, Pipelight

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