Articles by "notifyosd"
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Install patched NotifyOSD in Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty/13.10 Saucy/13.04 Raring/12.10 Quantal/12.04 Precise/10.04 Lucid

NotifyOSD is a GUI tool to configure how Ubuntu's NotifyOSD notification system looks and operates. NotifyOSD displays confirmation messages and notification messages. All messages use a similar look and style though different information may be displayed. Some messages will display text, icons, or a status bar. NotifyOSD by Ubuntu team has nothing to do with the possibility of moving or closing notifications. User can't get rid of notification until it goes away by itself, for instance if you are having multiple incoming messages, from any messenger in your Ubuntu, and you aren't able to close those notifications and you have to wait for them to go away by them-self.
With the help of patched NotifyOSD package which adds some extra features to Ubuntu's notification bubbles: change the notifications position, size, colors, adds an option to close the notifications on click and more. The time they stay can also be adjusted, and you can decide how long you want to display notification on your screen. NotifyOSD GUI application can customize the colors, fonts, and size of various elements of the Ubuntu's notification bubbles.