Install GMusicBrowser in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy/13.04 Raring/12.10 Quantal/12.04 Precise/11.10/11.04/10.10/10.04/Linux Mint 16/15/14/13/12/11/10/9/other Ubuntu derivatives
GmusicBrowser is an open-source audio player, written in perl. It can handle large collection of mp3/ogg/flac/mpc/ape audio files. It uses gstreamer, mpg123/ogg123 or mplayer for playback. It layout is very flexible and can be customized to popular audio players (Audacious, itunes, Exaile, Quodlibet, Rhythmbox, and Rhythmbox compact). Album/artist lock and album/artist restriction can be applied easily, support multiple genres per audio track/ ratings/ and customizable labels, filters can be applied with any unlimited conditions and so on...
GmusicBrowser is an open-source audio player, written in perl. It can handle large collection of mp3/ogg/flac/mpc/ape audio files. It uses gstreamer, mpg123/ogg123 or mplayer for playback. It layout is very flexible and can be customized to popular audio players (Audacious, itunes, Exaile, Quodlibet, Rhythmbox, and Rhythmbox compact). Album/artist lock and album/artist restriction can be applied easily, support multiple genres per audio track/ ratings/ and customizable labels, filters can be applied with any unlimited conditions and so on...