You may have tried many icon suites on your Linux desktop but not every icon theme gives you better taste but hopefully this one going to do. Linux-Dark icon pack is designed by dindinG41TR3 user from gnome-look and seem he did nice job on icons, black with green color combination of folders look kind of great with most of the dark themes but also on light themes as well. This icon pack carries around 3500+ icons and compatible with most of the Linux desktop environments such as: Unity, Gnome, Mate, Cinnamon, Xfce, Lxde, and so on. If you encounter any kind of bug, missing icon or issue within this icon pack then report it to creator via linked page and hopefully he will fix it soon since this theme is in active development. Arc theme pack used in the following screenshots. You can use Unity Tweak Tool, Gnome-tweak-tool.
Articles by "dark icons"
Showing posts with label dark icons. Show all posts
Elemint is dark icon theme designed to use with light themes, it is released under Creative Commons by-sa license. The goal of EleMint is to expand the variety of available icons for Elegant Brit, injecting a little more colour and energy, while staying true to the graphic style and restricted palette. Currently this icon pack offers more than 1000+ icons and still in active development. If you want to add any icon to this pack or see any missing icon in this set then report to creator this icon theme. Also check themes collection.
You can use Unity Tweak Tool, Gnome-tweak-tool or Ubuntu-Tweak to change themes/icons.
You can use Unity Tweak Tool, Gnome-tweak-tool or Ubuntu-Tweak to change themes/icons.

Install Darkenza Icons in Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/11.10/11.04/10.10/9.04/Linux Mint
These Darkenza icons brings from faenza icons, Author made these icons for those users who like dark icons. This icon is complete pack and support all latest Ubuntu/Linux Distro's.
These Darkenza icons brings from faenza icons, Author made these icons for those users who like dark icons. This icon is complete pack and support all latest Ubuntu/Linux Distro's.
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Install Azenis Dark Icons in Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/11.10/11.04/Linux Mint/Ubuntu Based Distributions
Azenis Icons are available in four different colors, Main Blue Icons, Red Icons, Orange Icons and Purple Icons. Azenis Icons are for those people who like dark icons. Author gave his last update for Azenis icons in 2010, So there is supposed to be some icons missing in new Ubuntu/other distro versions.
You can use these Tools to change icons: Gnome Tweak Tool, Ubuntu Tweak
1: Azenis Blue Icons
To install Azenis Blue icons in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
2: Azenis Orange Icons
To install Azenis Orange icons in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
3: Azenis Red Icons
To install Azenis Red icons in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
4: Azenis Purple Icons
To install Azenis Purple icons in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
That's it
Azenis Icons are available in four different colors, Main Blue Icons, Red Icons, Orange Icons and Purple Icons. Azenis Icons are for those people who like dark icons. Author gave his last update for Azenis icons in 2010, So there is supposed to be some icons missing in new Ubuntu/other distro versions.
You can use these Tools to change icons: Gnome Tweak Tool, Ubuntu Tweak
1: Azenis Blue Icons
To install Azenis Blue icons in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Terminal Commands: |
2: Azenis Orange Icons
To install Azenis Orange icons in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Terminal Commands: |
3: Azenis Red Icons
To install Azenis Red icons in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Terminal Commands: |
4: Azenis Purple Icons
To install Azenis Purple icons in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Terminal Commands: |
Source: Azenis Icons

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