If you are into Linux eyecandy stuff then you may know about Arc themes, Flatabulous also looks great. A new theme Arc-Flatabulous born from Arc and Flatabulous, it looks great and has three variants (Light, Dark, and Darker), so big credit also goes back to Arc and Flatabulous projects. This theme has dark title bars with flat rounded window color buttons and blue color selection. It is made for wide variety of desktops (such as Gnome, Xfce, Unity, Cinnamon, Mate and others) and 3.16/3.18 GTK versions. The icons in the screenshots are Arc icons used in screenshots. Since this theme is in active development mode, if you experience any kind of issue while using it then report to get it fixed. You can use Unity Tweak Tool, Gnome-tweak-tool.
Articles by "arc flatabulous"