source: https://digitalguardian.com/blog/dont-get-hooked-how-recognize-and-avoid-phishing-attacks-infographic
Contemporary web users realize one thing – there is no absolute winner in the niche of anti-virus programs. Most browsers are consuming digital data via apps with reasonably well-structured safety protocols, making them believe that they are protected against cybercrimes. However, this is a slightly twisted version of the reality. Perhaps, people are not reading into the density of online break-ins and data poaching instances that have left some of the most glorious organizations publically embarrassed. Yes, there is a need for an antivirus even as digitally-smart users choose the best browsing patterns to ensure maximum data security. The best online reviews about devices with highly intuitive security protocols might be hiding the fact that you still need a capable antivirus running in the background for your own online safety. Read ahead to understand why you cannot dump the antivirus…not yet!

source: http://blog.marginmedia.com.au/our-blog/77-facts-about-cyber-crimes-you-should-know-in-2018-infographic
1. Hackers are Evolving: prepare for the WORST!
Security threats are omnipresent. Many app creators are realizing their downfall which lies in privacy/protection codes that are not in-sync with evolving threats. As soon as security software providers fix the loopholes, cybercriminals uncover another way to breach in the most unsuspecting manner. Antivirus updates are often an eyewash where the security providers just try to make the users feel more updated, more confident that their security program is proactive. This is why many security software programs are losing the trust of web-savvy users. Some ransomware-styled malwares have been withholding critical private data where web users are being forced to pay an online ransom just to get back some control of their personal details. It is not just organizational-level data is at high risk. Confidential individual data, like health insurance or financial policy details, is being attacked with increasing regularity. Not preparing yourself with a capable antivirus just makes you more vulnerable!
source: https://www.business2community.com/infographics/5-cyber-security-predictions-solutions-2018-infographic-01978590
2. Not just heavy web users, even casual browsers are NOT safe!
Unless you have found a way to stay connected to the web and still insulate yourself from all potential threats, the antivirus is really not an option—you should have it at all times! Yes, better computing habits can make you less vulnerable. Similarly, any security protocols installed on the laptop or smartphone by your workplace IT team can diffuse the threat to some extent but largely, everyone is at risk. If you are online, even when interacting with the most trusted sites, downloading data from the reputed resources only, you still need some type of cybersecurity to create resistance against data-theft possibilities. From keyloggers to Trojans and rootkits, there is always an online threat, ready to take advantage of any security compromise that your device makes. For instance, free Wi-Fi at an upmarket café is now overwhelmed with the possibility of your device being illegitimately accessed to steal personal data. Many cyber-attacks are choreographed to perfection, staged via the browser only. A new, emerging threat can take a serious toll on devices that don’t have any type of anti-malware or anti-virus protection. Breach in security can come through multiple sources, including hotspots, cloud services, social media accounts, emails and third-party apps that are not prepared to handle the onslaught of hackers.
source: https://www.business2community.com/infographics/5-cyber-security-predictions-solutions-2018-infographic-01978590
3. Digital interfaces are evolving & Antivirus is one layer of assurance everybody needs!
There will always be more digital footprints that you create, in ways that are still taking shape. A few years back, digital wallets seemed impractical. Today, news of the most security-packed online payment systems being hacked is not shocking. In-app shopping experiences are evolving and the abundance of apps that make your digital interactions happier will continue to surge. This is why having an antivirus makes sense. It ensure that you have a basic degree of resistance against an uncovered, lesser mapped-out security ambiguity that can leave you exposed. While online data exchange and sharing patterns will change, the principal nature of personal data really does not change. From usernames & password combinations to identification data, from bank details to email contacts and app preferences, some things will remain similar across the more futuristic digital platforms too. Yes, AI might bring more unforeseen challenges but still, having antivirus running in the background gives you some immunity!
source: https://www.business2community.com/infographics/5-cyber-security-predictions-solutions-2018-infographic-01978590