A highly competitive market will gobble up the businesses that don’t have their processes and flows figured out. This means a highly efficient team, where communication between departments happens naturally, using the latest productivity and collaboration tools.
However, if you work in an IT company, you know the Development team and the Operations team are separated and the communication between them is often deficient. So, even though many companies understand the importance of proper communication between teams and provide their employees with access to modern collaboration tools, there is still a gap that hinders productivity.
This is where you’d need the help of RTS Labs DevOps consulting, a company that works with businesses and helps them create their own DevOps systems in order to unify development and operations.
Moreover, specialists also recommend using DevOps in collaboration with a reliable Cloud provider for the best possible results. Still, the connection between these two entities is a bit confusing since one is about processes and the other is technology.
Considering this, we thought to dig a bit deeper in an effort to understand the connection between DevOps and the Cloud and why it’s so important for businesses looking to grow and succeed.
What is DevOps?
You will find different definitions in different organizations, but the general consensus is that DevOps is all about bringing the development and the operations team together. In some organizations, you will find a developer-friendly operations system where IT operations and developers are still separate, but the entire process encourages communication between parties. Other organizations have a consolidated team where both developers and operations take on each other’s responsibilities.
According to a recent report by Puppet.com, teams that practice the DevOps experience recover faster from crashes (24 times faster) and waste less time (by 22%) on unplanned work or redos.
The Relationship Between DevOps and the Cloud
Cloud computing is no longer a mystery or a novelty to business owners as many already moved their operations to the Cloud. A reliable cloud provider can offer better data security and easier access to data (regardless of location) than a locally administered system could. Moreover, it does so at a fraction of the cost and resources required by an in-house data center.
So, what does DevOps have to do with the Cloud?
First of all, it’s a shared environment where everyone (with the right credentials) can access the information they need. This means that developers can share their work progress while operations can keep an eye on the entire process without having to ask for progress reports and other similar documents.
Additionally, if a mistake is spotted, it can be pointed out and solved on the spot. There’s no need to wait until the development team completes their part to check for errors and then send the project back for corrections. In short, the business saves time and money.
Another important aspect of cloud computing is the fact that developers can have access to complex technology that can take months to set up and configure in a standard work environment. With Cloud computing, it’s easy to instantiate an already configured LAMP stack or work in an SAP-like ecosystem.
Lastly, if one of the devices crashes in your company (it happens more often than you want), the progress will be saved on the cloud and the developers can just switch devices and continue their work.
Wrap Up
Overall, a company has a lot to benefit from hooking up their DevOps team with Cloud computing. But among the most important aspects are increased productivity and reduced costs with devices and other resources.