Web design has become more important than ever. The work you do as a web designer gives businesses an online identity — a face that can define how people react to their brand.

Needless to say, having an attractive, functional website that resonates with the brand’s intended audience is a must. Here are a few tips and tricks from the pros that will help you build such pages.

Content Minimalism

Although aesthetics play a major role in web design, the content of your website matters as well. There are many rules that govern what good content should look like. Above all, it needs to be readable. Use simple language and never use large blocks of text.

The front page content is usually simple, succinct, and catchy. Use simple phrases that follow the mission of your client’s business. You want to push that message front and center, and have it make a powerful statement.

Keep it Simple

New web designers often fall victim to clutter. Their need to prove their skill tends to lead them towards stuffing their designs with all kinds of unnecessary elements. Naturally, the end result is a messy, bloated, and rarely functional web page that just seems off.

The key to good web design is mastering simplicity. Experts from CH Web Agency argue that you shouldn’t be afraid of negative space. In fact, you should use it to achieve your vision. Less is often more in web design.

Mobile Above All

Google has been more than straightforward with its latest algorithm updates. The message is clear — mobile above all. Your websites need to be mobile responsive and achieve good stats when opened on mobile devices.

In fact, there is a good chance you’ll suffer considerable penalties if your website isn’t fully optimized for mobile users.

Quality Photography is your Friend

Using photos and images in web design can be tricky. Unlike simple colors, photographs aren’t as malleable. However, quality photos that were custom ordered for a specific website can really make it pop. The key is working with a photographer and following a predetermined theme.

In other words, you’ll need to define colors that will be found in all aspects of your website, including whatever images you end up using. Be creative with your aesthetics and use them to guide the reader towards key elements of the page.

Use Up to Three Fonts

Fonts are a big point of conflict for many web designers. Some argue that you should use only one font, while others like to use up to three.

A good middle ground is to use one font for all of your main text, and then have two supporting fonts for parts of the website where you want to accentuate specific elements. That way your page will have the uniform look, but maintain diversity in key areas.

Have Solid Fundamentals

Everything we’ve mentioned above is important, but most of it is still considered fundamental knowledge. Maintaining fundamentals is key for any skill or profession out there. By mastering the fundamentals of web design, you’ll have a much easier time accepting new concepts and implementing them into your workflow.

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