Wine lets you run Windows software on other operating systems. With Wine, you can install and run these applications just like you would in Windows. Wine enables Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, and Solaris users to run Windows applications without a copy of Microsoft Windows. Wine is free software under constant development. Other platforms may benefit as well. The new release carries new features and bugs fixes.

- Art of Murder Cards of Destiny: some character models are plain white
- Super Meat Boy shows grey textures for some objects
- UE4 applications crash with "Assertion failed: Count >= 0" (Epic Games Launcher, Paragon)
- cmd: Brackets are no deliminiter in the condition part of the if command.
- Windows Sysinternals 'psping' v2.x tool, part of 'PsTools' crashes when trying to ping host (needs 'iphlpapi.ParseNetworkString')
- Multiple applications need ntdll.dll.RtlIpv4StringToAddress{A,W,ExA,ExW} implementation (Processhacker 2.x, Icinga 2 'check_ping')
- μTorrent has squares in it's update-dialog
- Multiple .NET 4.x applications and games using 'System.Net.HttpListener' class crash due incomplete httpapi implementation (PUBG Lite Launcher, SeeSnake HQ)
- type command in cmd.exe with two files and stdout redirect, behavior is different
- Rhinoceros 6 (.NET 4.x app) fails to verify online-license: System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'HttpCloseRequestQueue' in DLL 'httpapi.dll'
- Hearthstone black screen
- PotPlayer 1.7: Crash when trying to play any file
- Wine builtin 'services.exe' uses invalid wait object for delayed autostart services
- ExHIBIT (Sample Project): Can't select menu item in the title screen
- Zoom Edit&Share installer crashes starting with wine-3.19
Install Winehq 4.16 via Official Repository in Ubuntu 19.04 Disco/18.04 Bionic/16.04 Xenial/Linux Mint 19/18/ open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
Add PPA to install dependencies
That's it