Krita is a free program for sketching and painting, although it has image processing capabilities, offering an end–to–end solution for creating digital painting files from scratch by masters. Fields of painting that Krita explicitly supports are concept art, creation of comics and textures for rendering. Modeled on existing real-world painting materials and workflows, Krita supports creative working by getting out of the way and with a snappy response.
Krita is a FREE and open source painting tool designed for concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture artists, and the VFX industry. Krita has been in development for over 10 years and has had an explosion in growth recently. It offers many common and innovative features to help the amateur and professional alike.

Krita is a robust, fast and flexible painting application that makes creating art from scratch or existing resources a fun and productive experience. With many powerful brush engines and unique features such as multihand and mirrored painting, Krita explicitly supports creating comics, concept art, storyboards, textures, matte paintings and illustrations.
Krita has several features that are unique or a first among free software painting applications: support for colorspaces other than RGB, like CMYK, support for HDR painting, painting assistants, a perspective grid.
Pop-up Palette: Quickly pick your color and brush by right-clicking on the canvas. You can also use Krita’s tagging system to swap out the available brushes that are displayed. The ring outside of the color selector contains the most recently used colors. These settings can be configured through the preferences.
Noteable changes:
- Fix an assert in the transform tool when working with a tablet and touch
- Fix continued transformation in the transform tool
- Fix updates in the transform tool
- Show the publication time in the welcome page news ticker in the user’s preferred short date/time format
- Fix using the tangent-normal brush when the canvas is rotated or mirrored
- Make it possible again to create new palettes and save them in the resource folder, instead of the current document
- Make Krita not gobble up all available memory when loading a JPG file with specific metadata
- Constrain assistant editors to the viewport, so they can always be manipulated
- Make sure Krita stores changes to brush presets in the current session by default
- Remove an assert that could be triggered when opening the first image in a session
- Update the version of the default input settings profile, so the rotate/zoom action will be activated even if the user already had a local kritadefault.profile file
- Fix a crash on using the move tool while the image is being opened
- Make sure the painting tools don’t block anymore
- Make the shortcut handling system more tolerant when shortcuts overlap
- Fix a crash in the transform tool
- Make the transform tool and the move tool more responsive
Available for Ubuntu 19.10 Eaon/19.04 Disco/18.04 Bionic/Linux Mint 19/and other Ubuntu derivatives
To install Krita in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
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