If you are looking for some advice and guidance to help you on your way to becoming a successful web developer, you’ve come to the right place. These proven tips will help you on your way to development delight:
Focus on open-source projects
As we’re a portal geared towards open-source development, we’re naturally going to bang the drum about the benefits of getting involved in open-source projects. There are so many fantastic open-source projects that are still going strong today – WordPress, Android and even Ubuntu/Linux to name but a few. Open source projects will give you direct hands-on experience, allowing you to build your own portfolio of work and network with other like-minded developers too.Master one programming language at a time
A cardinal sin that many beginner web developers make is to try to dabble in multiple programming languages at once. This is a one-way ticket to confusedville, as you’ll feel like you’re getting nowhere with any of them. Learn one language or framework at a time to give yourself a real confidence boost; it can be hugely beneficial to feel that you’re picking new skills up fast. Having expertise in a few niche languages will be far more beneficial to being viewed as a jack of all trades in many throughout your career.Don’t underestimate the importance of web security
In an age where external and internal threats to online applications are greater and more sophisticated than ever before, any aspiring web developer should be conscious about application security when building new online services. Admittedly, the management of these threats is effectively a full-time job. That’s why beginner web developers should familiarize themselves with the concept of a web application firewall (WAF) that guards against application layer attacks 24/7. A WAF is normally offered as a managed service by a third-party and can be deployed quickly without the need for hardware or software changes to your web app.Accept that debugging is part and parcel of web development

Being a web application developer gives you the chance to design and build solutions to real-world problems. As an aspiring web developer, you should always ask questions, build, study and then ask some more questions. Dedication is the key.