Ambiance Lime is quite famous theme among Ubuntu users because it gives different taste to the desktop than the default orange look. It is modified version of original Ubuntu Ambiance theme and gives your desktop a fresh lime look which makes more elegant. The guy from gnome-look is carrying this theme since 12.04 precise release and made it for every release expect 15.10 Wily. It works almost in every desktop environment such as Unity, Gnome Shell, Cinnamon, Mate, others but for best results use Unity desktop and you may see some different results in other desktops. If you encounter any bug then report it and hopefully it will be fixed soon. Uniform and zonColor icons used in the following screenshots. You can use Unity Tweak ToolGnome-tweak-tool.

ambiance lime

ambiance lime

ambiance lime

Available for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial/14.04 Trusty/12.04 Precise/Linux Mint 18/17/13/other Ubuntu derivatives
To install Ambiance-Lime theme on Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

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