Install Spectro conky Pack in Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Others Linux distributions
Conky is best thing to make desktop elegant, NoobsLab offers collection of conkys for Linux desktop. So today I bring Spectro conky pack for you, it has 5 variants with Celsius and Fahrenheit options. I tried to make installation and setup much easier for everyone, I hope no one get any problem with it. It can work for all Linux desktops environments like (Gnome Shell, Unity, Cinnamon, Gnome Classic, XFCE, Mate, and others). This conky shows only weather information in details (5 days) with support of curl. This conky doesn't show any other system info. This time I pick up only wget script installation method because it can work with most of the Linux distributions.

Installation Features:
Check Video Tutorial
To uninstall this conky:
That's it
Conky is best thing to make desktop elegant, NoobsLab offers collection of conkys for Linux desktop. So today I bring Spectro conky pack for you, it has 5 variants with Celsius and Fahrenheit options. I tried to make installation and setup much easier for everyone, I hope no one get any problem with it. It can work for all Linux desktops environments like (Gnome Shell, Unity, Cinnamon, Gnome Classic, XFCE, Mate, and others). This conky shows only weather information in details (5 days) with support of curl. This conky doesn't show any other system info. This time I pick up only wget script installation method because it can work with most of the Linux distributions.

Installation Features:
- Automatically adds to start-up.
- Automated script with choices.
- Choose between Celsius or Fahrenheit.
- Works in all environments, options to choose between environment.
- Uninstall script is available.
Weather Setup
Check Video Tutorial
Wget script Installation Method (Works with all Debian/Ubuntu versions & derivatives/other Linux distributions):
Install Conky in Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Lmde/Any Linux Distribution open terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal(First command must be related to your distribution):To uninstall this conky:
Source: Spectro conky pack