Magical-Light icon set is designed by the same developer who created colored-plastic and apple-art icons. These icons are compatible with gnome, unity, cinnamon and others. This set is well designed and show different art of developer on each icon. Unfortunately developer stopped working on this icon set, so there won't be any more updates. Also check icons collection.
You can use Unity Tweak ToolGnome-tweak-tool or Ubuntu-Tweak to change icons.
ubuntu icons



To install Magical-Light icons in Ubuntu 15.04/14.10/14.04/12.04/Linux Mint 17.1/17/13 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

To install Magical-Light icons in any Ubuntu/Linux Mint version open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
That's it
Source: MagicalLights
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