Animated Wallpapers/Videos on Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot
Installing all the needed files is very easy… all you have to do is to download my script and save it in your Downloads folder, make the file executable and then run the script!!

The script will install the following needed packages: mplayer, zenity and xwinwrapcvs. When these packages are installed the downloaded xwinwrapcvs.deb file will be deleted and the script will then move the video-wallpaper-script to the nautilus script folder. After each step the used files will be deleted from your system except the located in your Downloads folder.

To use the script click with your right mouse button on your desktop and select Scripts -> video-wallpaper-script. Then browse to the location of the video file you want to use, select the video and click on the OK button and the video will be used as a wallpaper.

If you have no panels on your desktop just press the SuperKey to start a program or press Alt+Tab to select any open folder or running program. This will only happen when you click on an empty desktop. I am still working on fixing this but this is the first version of the script. When it’s fixed i will let you know how to fix it….

Please note that not all video formats can be used and you kinda have to figure out what formats work or not… Some nice and working videos you can download from

>> Download the script for 32-bit systems from Skydrive
To make the file executable:
Right click on downloaded file and Select Properties.
Now Click on Permissions Tab and here Check the "Allow Executing file as Program".

To run the script copy+paste the following line in a terminal window:

>> Download the script for 64-bit systems from SkyDrive
To make the file executable:To make the file executable:
Right click on downloaded file and Select Properties.
Now Click on Permissions Tab and here Check the "Allow Executing file as Program".

To run the script copy+paste the following line in a terminal window:

That's it, Enjoy.
Special Thanks to Tinuz for Script
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