Install FB-Messenger and Facebook Applications in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy/Ubuntu 13.04 Raring/Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal/Ubuntu 12.04 Precise/Linux Mint 15/14/13/and other related Ubuntu derivatives

facebook linux

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger is not official release but it's developed by Facebook developer. It is similar to Facebook messenger for MS Windows. It provides chat sidebar, popup chat windows, friend requests and notifications. It also shows notifications alerts outside the messenger only when you turn on the chat within messenger.
facebook messenger

facebook messenger

To install FBMessenger in Ubuntu 13.10/13.04/12.10/12.04/Linux Mint 15/14/13 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

Desktop Facebook

Desktop Facebook app was created for the Ubuntu App Developer showdown contest in 2012. This application designed for Ubuntu Linux, it is written in PyGTK, designed with Glade and create with quickly that displays the Facebook website. It provides different buttons on the left side for easy access to various Facebook features. It also offers Facebook mobile within application, you can find mobile tab on left bottom corner. It has integrated search bar which is perfect for searching for friends, places, pages, and other stuff. If you want to contribute to this project, then contact folke-schwinning.
facebook desktop

facebook desktop

To install Desktop Facebook in Ubuntu 13.10/13.04/Linux Mint 15 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:

To install Desktop Facebook in Ubuntu 12.10/12.04/11.10/Linux Mint 14/13/12 open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal:
That's it
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